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Death by Shopping

November 29th, 2008 Leave a comment Go to comments

After a Wal-Mart employee was trampled to death by a mob during yesterday’s Black Friday frenzy, police are trying to identify individuals from the store’s security tapes. I, for one, hope they’re able to do so and prosecute. I also hope the man’s family will sue Wal-Mart for a crippling sum. What has become of our society when retailers hype a sale to the point that saving a few buck is worth more than a man’s life?

Other workers were trampled as they tried to rescue the man, and customers stepped over him and became irate when officials said the store was closing because of the death, police and witnesses said.

You’ve got to be kidding! People were actually upset because they couldn’t keep shopping? How unbelievably self-centered our society is becoming. What’s the value of a human life? “Uh, yeah, we just trampled that guy to death so we could save $10 on a Wii for Christmas. I mean, come one, I’ve been waiting in line all night and he was in the way.”

They should’ve just rounded up everyone in the store and ID’d them to make hanging prosecuting them easier.

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