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Teaching Kids to Fight Armed Attackers

December 10th, 2008 Leave a comment Go to comments

A small town in Massachusetts is considering the idea of teaching children to fight back against armed attackers in the classroom.

Georgetown Police Chief James E. Mulligan told FOXNews.com the proposed technique was intended to be a “last ditch” thing to be used in cases where a gunman has been able to thwart police and get inside a classroom alone with students.

At least they’re moving outside the victim mentality which hampers real security in our schools. We should certainly teach our kids to defend themselves. This, however, is the wrong tack. A child with a book or backpack has a very low likelihood of thwarting a determined attacker who has a gun. The correct response is to allow concealed carry permit holders—staff and parents—to carry their own weapons on school campuses. As it stands, the only people in our schools who have guns are the bad guys, who ignore gun-free zone laws. Allowing responsible, licensed citizens to be armed on campus will only increase the safety of our children.

A small town in Massachusetts is considering the idea of teaching children to fight back against armed attackers in the classroom.

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