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Non-daily Digest

December 8th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

Ben Shapiro, Townhall — Where Have Our Cojones Gone?  

WSJ — Debit-Fee Cap Has Nasty Side Effect

When will the Left quit meddling with the market? (My best guess is: never.) The law of unintended consequences strikes again. Liberals in Congress rammed through the Dodd-Frank financial bill, one part of which capped card fees. So what do the card issuers do? Read on…

Real Clear Markets — We Pay for “Free” Health Care, Obama Gets the Thanks

Money quote:

From our perspective-the perspective of those unseen folks who pay the bills-it looks an awful lot like President Obama just bought her vote with our money.

Spot on.

Fox News — Lawmakers Blast Administration For Calling Fort Hood Massacre “Workplace Violence”

And well they should. This was not just a day at work gone bad—it was a terrorist act, pure & simple.

InfoWars — Could FBI’s New Definition of Rape Outlaw TSA Pat Downs?

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