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Non-daily Digest

December 29th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

Thomas Sowell, Townhall — Republican Voters’ Choices

Forbes — Even the Warmists Don’t Believe In Global Warming

Investor’s Business Daily — Defend Mideast Oil, But Refuse To Build Keystone?

Would we rather get our oil from Canada and North Dakota or from the Middle East through the Strait of Hormuz?


NY Times — Bishops Say Rules on Gay Parents Limit Freedom of Religion

I haven’t read the law, but from news analysis I’ve seen, it doesn’t appear the bishops have a real First Amendment case here. The law does not prevent the church from denying adoptions to gay couples—it denies them state funding if they choose to do so. But in my opinion, the church should not—on principle alone—have taken government funding for its adoption program to begin with. What goes unmentioned is that the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services instituted this policy knowing a priori that it would bring about the closure of the Catholic adoption agencies—and putting the desires of gay adults over the needs of the children the agencies served.

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