
Archive for February, 2012

Non-daily Digest

February 15th, 2012 No comments

Hot Air — Megadeth frontman endorses … Rick Santorum?

WSJ — Obama’s War on School Vouchers

Emily Miller, Washington Times — Obama’s fast and furious spin: Sneaky White House budget provisions undermine the Second Amendment

Washington Examiner — OMB director undercuts legal case for Obamacare

Michelle Malkin — Acting White House Budget Director Didn’t Get the Obamacare Memo

US News & World Report — CDC Warns Untreatable Gonorrhea is On the Way

Maybe those Luddite, backwards-thinking right-wing religious freaks were right all along about teaching abstinence. [News flash: even when worn correctly, condoms do not provide complete protection against STDs. Chastity does. How quaint.]

SooperMexican — Obama Campaign Manager Mocks Latinos


[Seen at]

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Non-daily Digest

February 14th, 2012 No comments

Mona Charen, Townhall — The Free Lunch Is Back

WSJ — The Amazing Obama Budget

Michelle Malkin — Reminder: 2013/2014 Budget Projections From Same Administration That Underestimated 2012 Deficits by 138 Percent

Hot Air — OMB chief: The sequester is so important to us that we replaced it, or something

BBC — Mormons baptise parents of Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal

Having apologized for this baptism, the Mormon leadership has highlighted a glaring inconsistency. If proxy baptisms are—as the cult has long taught—an essential part of the LDS beliefs, how can one apologize for them or agree to exclude entire groups based on their ethnic or religious identities? After all, Mormonism is the “correction” to orthodox Christianity and Judaism, right? Either what you are teaching is right, or it has been wrong all along.

Investor’s Business Daily triple:

Carolina Journal — Preschooler’s Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria “Nuggets”

Viral Footage — Ted Nugent Crushes Piers Morgan

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Non-daily Digest

February 13th, 2012 No comments

Thomas Sowell, IBD — The Progressive Movement’s Discredited Legacy

Yet another incisive piece. Long and worth the time!

Michelle Malkin — ‘To Stop the Multiplication of the Unfit’

A timely look at the roots of—and ongoing disgrace that is—Planned Parenthood.

Matt Barber, Townhall — Obama’s Anti-Religious Implosion

Robert Kagan, WSJ — Why the World Needs America

Miami Herald — Justice Breyer robbed at West Indies vacation home

It’s a shame he was defenseless. No, wait…Breyer doesn’t believe in the right to self-defense.

NY Times — Greek Parliament Passes Austerity Plan After Riots Rage

The Left in America would do well to pay heed.

Emily Miller, Washington Times — Obama’s dire second-term pitch

Cassy Fiano — Choosing Life and Beating the Odds: Accepting Down Syndrome

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Non-daily Digest

February 8th, 2012 No comments

Mike Adams, Townhall — Extremism in Defense of Equality

Project Veritas demonstrates again why we need voter ID laws:

Hot Air — Two more scientists change sides in the AGW debate

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Non-daily Digest

February 7th, 2012 No comments

Thomas Sowell, Townhall — A Defining Moment  

WSJ — A Fairness Quiz for the President

Weekly Standard — Dem Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper: I Wouldn’t Have Voted for Obamacare If I’d Known About HHS Regulation

You mean you actually trusted Obama? At least you have company under that bus.

The pre-fight:

“We Catholics will be compelled to either violate our consciences, or to drop health coverage for our employees and suffer the penalties for doing so,” wrote Alexander Sample, the Bishop of Marquette.

Or you could do what you should have done years ago—stop blindly voting “D” at every level. You’ve gone to bed with the pro-abortion party for years. Did you really think they wouldn’t come after you when they had the power and opportunity? If there’s one thing statists cannot abide it’s competition, and through your charitable work you compete directly with them.

NY Times — Romney’s Returns Revive Scrutiny of Lawful Offshore Tax Shelters

Do you notice how there’s not really a story here, only the intimation that Romney has somehow done something wrong? As far as anyone can tell, he’s broken no laws and has simply exercised his legal right to pay as little to a wasteful federal government as possible—exactly as any of us would do given the opportunity. Nothing but a smear, but what more can be expected from the NYT?

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‘We the People’ Loses Appeal With People Around the World

February 7th, 2012 No comments

You really have to love the NY Times. Their latest lament is that America is, apparently, out of touch with the rest of the world when you compare our Constitution with those of other nations.

Other nations routinely trade in their constitutions wholesale, replacing them on average every 19 years.

Yes, they do. Repeat after me, “Stability is a good thing.” America became a great nation because its founding principles are, in fact, timeless. Is our Constitution perfect? Probably not, and it certainly wasn’t as it was originally written. The founders knew that, and so included a mechanism for making changes. The fact that those changes are hard to make, however, has been a great benefit rather than a hindrance.

The rights guaranteed by the American Constitution are parsimonious by international standards…

I actually had to read that a few times. Parsimonious? Then I saw what was missing just a few sentences later:

But the Constitution is out of step with the rest of the world in failing to protect, at least in so many words, a right to travel, the presumption of innocence and entitlement to food, education and health care.

Yes, I see. Americans are terribly restricted in our ability to travel. Huh? And since when are we not guaranteed the “presumption of innocence” in court? It’s one of the pillars of our legal system and always has been. Then comes the kicker: entitlements. A country that is fighting an increasing epidemic of obesity lacks an “entitlement to food”? Really? The left is so preoccupied with what we are “entitled” to that it entirely ignores our responsibilities.

And then, of course,

It has its idiosyncrasies. Only 2 percent of the world’s constitutions protect, as the Second Amendment does, a right to bear arms.

That, in the end, is what guarantees our liberty. So long as Americans can arm themselves, the government cannot exert unlimited power over us. This is no small freedom.

To be fair to the authors, they concluded with a powerful and unrebutted counterpoint by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia:

“Every banana republic in the world has a bill of rights,” he said.

“The bill of rights of the former evil empire, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, was much better than ours,” he said, adding: “We guarantee freedom of speech and of the press. Big deal. They guaranteed freedom of speech, of the press, of street demonstrations and protests, and anyone who is caught trying to suppress criticism of the government will be called to account. Whoa, that is wonderful stuff!”

“Of course,” Justice Scalia continued, “it’s just words on paper, what our framers would have called a ‘parchment guarantee.’ ”

Yeah, I really wish our country were more like Canada. It’s a great model of individual freedom and freedom of speech. I’ll take the liberties enshrined in our founding documents, thank you.

Non-daily Digest

February 1st, 2012 No comments
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