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Non-daily Digest

September 24th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

Lewis W. Diuguid@Kansas City Star The very wealthy are driven by a silent addiction for more
A couple hundred words of Leftist, class warfare drivel, this piece at least got me thinking. If wealth is a mental illness, shouldn’t we consider Obama’s presidency a resounding success? After all, he’s cured an awful lot of Americans of that particular ailment.

Jake Tapper@ABC President Obama Falsely Claims Fast and Furious Program “Begun Under the Previous Administration”
This goes beyond just making a false claim…straight to a deliberate lie. The gun stings run by the Bush administration were done with the full knowledge and cooperation of the Mexican government and the guns were never allowed to “walk”—they were tracked closely from beginning to end. Obama and his appointees have proven themselves incompetent already. Now they expect us to accept a bald lie about their own reckless actions, which have resulted in numerous murders on both sides of the border. It’s time for new management.

John Fund@NationalReviewOnline Media Hypocrisy in Treatment of Romney Tape



Doug Powers@MichelleMalkin CBS: Witnesses say there never was an anti-America protest at the consulate in Benghazi, only a planned attack

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