
Archive for November, 2012

Brilliant Liberal Idea #3

November 28th, 2012 No comments

Hey, I have a brilliant idea! Let’s help the Muslim Brotherhood overthrow the Egyptian government—after all, even though it was stable and at least neutral to the West and Israel, it was run by a dictator. Then the anti-Israel, anti-U.S., and anti-freedom Muslim Brotherhood—granddaddy of those nice chaps in Hamas—can ignore its promise to stay out of the ensuing election and install their guy who will then assume dictatorial power.

What could possibly go wrong?

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Non-daily Digest

November 27th, 2012 No comments

Pravda Obama’s Soviet Mistake
Even the Commies are calling him out…

Victor Davis Hanson@National Review Let Obama Be Obama


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Non-daily Digest

November 24th, 2012 No comments

Breitbart Surprise: PA College Slashes Instructors’ Hours to Avoid ObamaCare
Reaping what was sown.

Doug Powers@MichelleMalkin The Obamacare implementation layoff announcements du jour
Expect to see more of this as employers take a hard look at the numbers.


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Non-daily Digest

November 19th, 2012 No comments

Glenn Harlan Reynolds@USA Today A solution to secession fever — federalism


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Brilliant Liberal Idea #2

November 19th, 2012 No comments

Hey, I have a brilliant idea! You know that Secretary of State position that’s coming open in a couple months? Let’s nominate someone who is either completely comfortable parroting lies to the American people—in which case she can’t be trusted—or so easily duped that she’ll do a bang-up job negotiating with nice guys like Putin and Assad—in which case she, um, can’t be trusted.

What could go wrong?

Categories: Liberalism Tags:

Non-daily Digest

November 16th, 2012 No comments

Breitbart Fraud: CNN Uses Video Footage of Faked Palestinian ‘Injuries’
The media apologists for terrorism are at it again.

Fox News Liberated Iraq calls on Arab states to use oil as ‘weapon’ against U.S.
Leaving Iraq with no significant American military presence was a huge mistake. We weren’t invited in; we didn’t need permission to stay. All we’ve done is create a regional power vacuum which Iran and radicals are only too happy to fill.

Victor Davis Hanson@Townhall Oh, We Forgot to Tell You…


Michelle Malkin How’s That Obamacare Waiver Workin’ Out for Ya?

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Brilliant Liberal Idea #1

November 16th, 2012 No comments

Hey, I have a brilliant idea! Let’s turn down a pay cut that will allow our employer to continue operating. That way, instead of us all having jobs—albeit with less pay—our employer will shut down and put 18,000 people out of work.

Yep, those unions sure protect the best interests of the common worker.

Bonus question: how many union execs will lose their jobs now?

Categories: Liberalism Tags:

PETA for ’Possums

November 15th, 2012 No comments

The NewsObserver reports that at PETA’s behest, a judge in NC has halted the 20-year-old tradition of the Opossum Drop wherein a live ’possum is lowered in a cage at midnight on New Year’s.

Here’s an idea that should make PETA happy: since you can’t use a live ’possum, just kill a fresh one each year, stuff it, and raffle it off for an NRA-approved charity. You’d hate to trample the poor critter’s rights by releasing it unharmed, now, wouldn’t you?

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Elections Have Consequences

November 15th, 2012 No comments

The latest numbers from the Department of Labor should surprise, well, nobody.

The highest numbers of new filings came from Pennsylvania and Ohio, where there were thousands of layoffs in the construction, manufacturing, and automobile industries.
Both states had been targeted by the presidential campaigns. President Obama highlighted his record of job creation in Ohio in particular, focusing on the automobile industry. The state reported 6,450 new jobless claims in the week after the election–second-highest after Pennsylvania, which recorded 7,766 new claims.

The only remedy for foolishness at the ballot box is to get what you request. Looks like OH and PA are getting an early dose. Both states rely heavily on “dirty” energy and heavy manufacturing, and can expect more of the same from the admin they helped reelect. Hopefully the treatment will be strong enough to cure the disease without killing the patient.

Categories: Economy Tags:

PETA for ’Possums

November 14th, 2012 No comments

The NewsObserver reports that at PETA’s behest, a judge in NC has halted the 20-year-old tradition of the Opossum Drop wherein a live ’possum is lowered in a cage at midnight on New Year’s.

Here’s an idea that should make PETA happy: since you can’t use a live ’possum, just kill a fresh one each year, stuff it, and raffle it off for an NRA-approved charity. You’d hate to trample the poor critter’s rights by releasing it unharmed, now, wouldn’t you?

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