Home > Gun Rights, Quotes > Notable Quotables #15

Notable Quotables #15

I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those know they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.

Democratic Rep. Diana DeGette, defending her support of a federal ban on high capacity magazines for handguns and rifles

Her official spokeswoman, Juliet Johnson, didn’t fare any better in her defense:

she simply misspoke in referring to ‘magazines’ when she should have referred to ‘clips,’ which cannot be reused because they don’t have a feeding mechanism

There is no such thing as a high capacity clip. If there were–and it had no feeding mechanism–it couldn’t be used in a semi-automatic weapon like the AR-15.

There are three basic types of clips: en bloc, stripper and moon. Each holds a handful of rounds. They are used to reload the fixed magazines of low capacity rifles or the cylinder of some revolvers, and to make reloading high capacity removable magazines easier. Even in the last case, they aren’t as common as the more convenient lever-action reloaders.

In any case, ammunition is not purchased in clips, but is loaded by hand into clips which are then, like magazines, reused many, many, many times.

Here’s a legislative proposal: in order to vote on–much less sponsor–a bill, you must have some semblance of a clue regarding its subject.

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