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Non-daily Digest

Victor Davis Hanson When untruth undermines democracy

Michelle Malkin Played out: The liberal racists’ “Uncle Tom” card

Kurt Schlichter They Will Risk Your Kids’ Lives Before They Risk Immigration Reform

Doug Powers Tax Administration IG: IRS sent over $46 million in refunds to thousands of ‘unauthorized’ aliens at the same address in Atlanta

Justin Sink Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ‘flat-Earth society’

Yes, the time-honored tactic for those losing a debate: vilify your opponent. Nevermind the facts that (a) warming stopped almost two decades ago despite ever-increasing CO2 levels, and (b) there are a number of Nobel laureates among the climate skeptics (including one of the most prominent atmospheric physicists on the planet). Call your opponents ignorant anti-science cavemen and simply shut down the discussion. After all, your opponents are evil and don’t deserve to be heard.

WSJ The Carbonated President: Obama unveils a war on fossil fuels he never disclosed as a candidate.

Niall Ferguson The Regulated States of America: Tocqueville saw a nation of individuals who were defiant of authority. Today? Welcome to Planet Government.

Keith Ablow Was the Unabomber correct about the horrors of technology combined with government?

Have you read it? You should.

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