Non-daily Digest

August 5th, 2013 No comments

More details emerge re the “phony” IRS scandal. This is not going away. To the contrary, it’s growing, & getting closer to the White House with each revelation:

Jake Tapper Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack
This one just won’t die, either. America—and the families of the fallen—deserves the truth.

The truth liberals don’t want to hear about race in America:

Sherwin & John Lott What liberal media won’t tell you—blacks benefit most from Stand Your Ground laws

Fox News DOJ ripped for making transgender restroom use new front in civil rights battle
Once more, California leads the nation down the rabbit hole. We are abandoning the last shreds of common sense. Look, folks, if you have a penis, you use the room with the international symbol for “men’s room.” If not, you use the other. It matters not a whit how you feel about yourself or your genitals. Ya’ got watchya got. It really is that simple. No one has a “right” to use whichever restroom they please.

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Non-daily Digest

July 25th, 2013 No comments

Frank Turek Darwin’s Doubt
For a century and a half the Cambrian explosion has remained one of the biggest stumbling blocks for Darwinists of all flavors. It remains so today.

Derek Hunter Unlearned Lessons and the George Zimmerman Trial

Over the 4th of July weekend, the city of Chicago had 74 people shot, 12 died. One of the shooting victims was a 5-year-old boy. There’s no ambiguity about that. What was that child’s name? What are any of their names? You don’t know because not only were the suspected shooters black, so were the victims. In the progressive media equation of what constitutes news, black on black crime – a tragic epidemic by any normal unit of measure – doesn’t rate.

William Saletan You Are Not Trayvon Martin
A thoughtful article from the Left. Of course he overlooks the facts that Martin was described as walking close to the houses (and had been busted before with a large screwdriver and stolen goods) and had just bought two of the three ingredients for making the narcotic elixir “purple drank” (and had smoked pot sometime shortly before his death). I don’t know what they call that in your neighborhood, but around here the term isn’t “innocent.”

Dennis Prager Fire Created and Stoked by the Left

InfoWars Oakland: Police Stood Down As ‘Protesters’ Terrorized Drivers
But remember, kiddies, you’re not supposed to protect yourself. That’s what the police are for.

Where’s the media outrage?

Oh, that’s right. No matter the race of the victims, It’s not newsworthy if the perps are black. Hypocrites.

And from the illegal-immigrants-are-peace-loving-and-just-want-jobs file:

Washington Times Feds admit improper scrutiny of candidate, donor tax records: Justice has declined to prosecute any of the cases
Nothing to see here. Move along.

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Non-daily Digest

July 9th, 2013 No comments

Michael McConnell Obama Suspends the Law: Like King James II, the president decides not to enforce laws he doesn’t like. That’s an abuse of power.
This increasingly unconstitutional assumption of power should be worrisome to all but his most sycophantic followers.

Tom Blumer Failure Deniers: Climate Change and Public-Sector Science

CNS News 101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers
This is unsustainable, outrageous, and disgraceful. The problem among America’s poor isn’t hunger but obesity. End the wasteful spending.

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Oregon Bee Memorial

July 8th, 2013 No comments

A memorial was planned in Oregon to commemorate the death of 50,000 bees. Seriously. You can’t make this stuff up.

Rozzell Medina, of Portland, said on the Facebook page that the event will “memorialize these fallen lifeforms and talk about the plight of the bees and their importance to life on Earth.”

Wonder if they’re equally concerned by the thousands of babies aborted every year…

Categories: Liberalism Tags:

Non-daily Digest

June 26th, 2013 No comments

Victor Davis Hanson When untruth undermines democracy

Michelle Malkin Played out: The liberal racists’ “Uncle Tom” card

Kurt Schlichter They Will Risk Your Kids’ Lives Before They Risk Immigration Reform

Doug Powers Tax Administration IG: IRS sent over $46 million in refunds to thousands of ‘unauthorized’ aliens at the same address in Atlanta

Justin Sink Obama mocks skeptics of climate change as ‘flat-Earth society’

Yes, the time-honored tactic for those losing a debate: vilify your opponent. Nevermind the facts that (a) warming stopped almost two decades ago despite ever-increasing CO2 levels, and (b) there are a number of Nobel laureates among the climate skeptics (including one of the most prominent atmospheric physicists on the planet). Call your opponents ignorant anti-science cavemen and simply shut down the discussion. After all, your opponents are evil and don’t deserve to be heard.

WSJ The Carbonated President: Obama unveils a war on fossil fuels he never disclosed as a candidate.

Niall Ferguson The Regulated States of America: Tocqueville saw a nation of individuals who were defiant of authority. Today? Welcome to Planet Government.

Keith Ablow Was the Unabomber correct about the horrors of technology combined with government?

Have you read it? You should.

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Non-daily Digest

June 14th, 2013 No comments

Daily Caller FBI hasn’t contacted a single tea party group in IRS probe, groups say
But, but, but…Dear Leader said he was outraged. You mean he lied? Nobody’s even looking into it? Putting on my shocked face.

Byron York On Judges, Obama Tells GOP: Don’t Do Unto Me As I Did Unto You
Yeah, when Obama did it it was “patriotic” but when the GOP does it’s “obstruction.”

USA Today AP: Obama aides use secret e-mail accounts
Yes, from the most transparent admin ever, a blatant attempt to circumvent oversight and shirk accountability.

Speaking of which,

Michelle Malkin The most transparent administration ever, LOL

Todd Starnes Anti-Religion Group Blasts Teen Valedictorian’s Prayer
That’s right. The anti-religious aren’t interested at all in the true meaning of the First Amendment. They want believers silenced.

Simon Conway London, a Deeper Horror Than We Might Think

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Non-daily Digest

May 31st, 2013 No comments

IRS Targetting Conservatives:

Forbes Rate Shock: In California, Obamacare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146%
You mean to tell me the director of CA’s exchange was dishonestly comparing current individual plans with future group plans? Shocked. Just shocked, I say.

USA Today Teen birthrate hit another record low in 2011
Note: AZ—often criticized for an abstinence-based sex ed focus—tied for the greatest improvement…

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Non-daily Digest

May 22nd, 2013 No comments

James Taranto A Crisis of Authority: The deeper meaning of the Obama scandals.

this will be a scandal like Watergate if it turns out that the IRS was acting under orders from Barack Obama or Valerie Jarrett. If the White House’s conduct turns out to be unimpeachable, then it is something far worse: a sign that the government itself has become a threat to the Constitution.

Ben Swann Reality Check Exclusive: Cincinnati agent giving orders in IRS scandal?

American Spectator Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun?

The very next day after her White House meeting with the President, according to the Treasury Department’s Inspector General’s Report, IRS employees — the same employees who belong to the NTEU — set to work in earnest targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups around America.

If this had happened under a Republican, Dems certainly wouldn’t believe it was coincidental.

Jonah Goldberg Obama’s ‘Idiot’ Defense: Scandal forces the president to drop the pose of omnicompetent know-it-all.

Kirsten Powers How Hope and Change Gave Way to Spying on the Press

Michelle Malkin The Obama crony in charge of your medical records

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Non-daily Digest

May 20th, 2013 No comments

The scandals aren’t going away:

USA Today More immigrant felons freed than initially reported
Wait, you mean someone from another Executive branch department lied to us? Color me shocked.

Fox IRS official who oversaw unit targeting Tea Party now heads ObamaCare office
That ought to make us all sleep better at night. Um, didn’t President Transparency tell us he was going to hold the responsible parties accountable?

CBS Hispanic Custodians On Auraria Campus Claim Discrimination
So now we have to print everything in your language in order to hire you? Simple solution to that one…

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Non-daily Digest

May 14th, 2013 No comments

The scandals in which Dear Leader finds himself enmeshed are not going away despite the efforts of Lefty media and pundits. If anything—with the addition of the AP phone dragnet—they’re growing.

  • Jonah Goldberg Bad Faith and Benghazi
  • Thomas Sowell Lies About Libya

    Despite Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s loudly proclaimed question “What difference, at this point, does it make?” the difference is between an honest mistake and a calculated lie to deceive the American people, in order to win an election.

  • WSJ The IRS Targets Conservatives: An official admits the tax agency pursued tea party groups in the 2012 election season.
    Everyone who believes this was not political and had no effect on the election when all of the target groups were conservative and many were in battleground/swing states…sorry, but you’re deluded. Thanks for helping reelect a liar and thug.
  • James Taranto Nobody’s Laughing Now: How pervasive is the Obama IRS scandal?

    There is an immediate political reason why it is important [for David Plouffe, former Obama campaign manager and White House aide] to deny that the IRS abuses had any political effect: If they did have a political effect, then the question becomes whether that effect was sufficient to change the outcome of the 2012 election. That is to say, unless Plouffe’s denial is true, the very legitimacy of the president’s re-election is in doubt.

Mike Adams My Phone Call To Jason Collins

USA Today Study: Despite drop in gun crime, 56% think it’s worse
Considering most people still get their news from MSM I’m surprised so few are misinformed.

Michelle Malkin A National Security History Lesson for Marco Rubio

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