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Another Impossible Shooting, Part 6

February 12th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

According to MSNBC, a professor at the University of Alabama-Huntsville has killed three of her colleagues and wounded three others. I don’t buy it. It’s illegal to carry a handgun on the UAH campus, so this couldn’t possibly have happened.

The police responded quickly, but not soon enough for the three who died. When will we drop the pretense that “gun-free” zones are gun-free…or safe? At least one student showed the common sense we need.

Gina Hammond, a UAH student, told WAFF that she lobbied the University of Alabama trustees to allow students with gun permits to carry their weapons on campus. She was turned down.

“I’m scared to go back to school,” Hammond said. “However, if they were to allow me to carry my pistol on campus, I would not be as scared.

“… I’m sorry that nobody in that room had a pistol to save at least one person’s life,” Hammond said.

It’s long past time to rethink the policy that provides target-rich environments and turns the law-abiding into victims.

“This is a tragedy of immeasurable proportions and a terrible a blow to our community,” said U.S. Rep. Parker Griffith, R-Ala., in whose district the shootings occurred. “Now is a time for thoughtful prayer for those affected.”

No. Now is a time to allow the innocent to protect themselves.

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