Judaism’s Sexual Revolution: Why Judaism (and then Christianity) Rejected Homosexuality

April 4th, 2013 No comments

In his ever erudite manner, Dennis Prager explains in great historical and philosophical depth why Judaism and Christianity are simply incompatible with homosexuality…and why that matters to modern society.

Drawing from both religious and secular sources, his argument is long, rather detailed, and well worth your time regardless of your position on the “gay marriage” debate.

Categories: Christianity, Conservatism Tags:

Thousands killed by global warming

April 4th, 2013 No comments

No, not really. But they are being killed by “green” policies.

Telegraph (UK) It’s the cold, not global warming, that we should be worried about

Freezing temps kill a lot more people than heat. Does that matter to global warming alarmists? Not judging by their actions, which are driving up the cost of heating our homes–and literally killing the poor.

Remember Obama’s desire to make energy prices “skyrocket?” His lofty goal is being accomplished elsewhere to deadly effect.

Categories: Global Warming Tags:

No warming in 2 decades

April 3rd, 2013 No comments

So global warming alarmist scientists are scrambling to figure out why we haven’t had any warming in approximately twenty years.

Hint: your models are wrong, and so, to a large extent, is the theory upon which they are based. Skeptics have been right to be, well…skeptical. The new consensus–as if that’s how real science were conducted–is that there is no consensus.

Oh, and you owe many apologies for arrogantly and repeatedly using denigrating terms like “denier,” “anti-science,” etc. Like that will ever happen.

Categories: Global Warming Tags:

Non-daily Digest

April 1st, 2013 No comments

Victor Davis Hanson America’s big fat advantage

Thomas Sowell Can It Happen Here?

Arthur Laffer & Stephen Moore The Red-State Path to Prosperity: Blue states with high taxes are struggling to compete for businesses and workers.

Las Vegas Review-Journal Eagle death at Nevada wind farm brings federal scrutiny
Where’s the outrage from the media & environmental groups? Oh yeah, they reserve that for when oil companies kill eagles.

Ann Coulter The Left’s Continuing War on Women

Larry Elder Jim Carrey—Not ‘Dumb & Dumber,’ Just Ignorant

Fox California’s $68B rail project will hire the ‘disadvantaged’ — like felons and dropouts
Because that’s exactly who you’d want to build and operate a high speed rail system. Idiots.

CNS Feds Spending $880,000 to Study Benefits of Snail Sex
Your tax dollars at work.

CBS Squatters, Looters Overrun Sandy-Ravaged Staten Island Communities
But I thought the police were supposed to protect us. No?

Categories: Uncategorized Tags:

Being White in Philly

March 30th, 2013 No comments

One of the best recent articles on a subject most won’t touch.

Being White in Philly: Whites, race, class, and the things that never get said.
—Robert Huber, Philadelphia Magazine

Categories: Race Tags:

Woman killed, child raped in NY mall carjacking

March 28th, 2013 No comments

While out on bail for a child pornography charge—and having removed a court ordered location tracking device—a monster in NY carjacked a woman and her 10-year-old daughter. He killed the mother and raped the girl, who somehow managed to escape afterward.

The answer from the Left? Whistles. Call boxes. Puke or pee on him. Don’t worry…the police will protect you.

The truth is that the real war on women is waged by the Left. Liberals don’t give a rat’s tail end about women’s safety.

Conservatives, on the other hand, want you armed, trained, and carrying concealed everywhere you go because we value your life and your daughter’s innocence.

The libs who run states like NY, IL, and CA? They don’t. Wise up.

Categories: Gun Rights, Uncategorized Tags:

Notable Quotables #14

March 25th, 2013 No comments

If you let the desire for gratification pass, it will pass. And you’ll be the better for it. Problem is, somewhere along the way…our country forgot this rule. Hard work became secondary to hard-ons, and feeling good trumped doing good. What we have now is a growing belief that the self’s satisfaction is the most important thing in the world—even if the things you choose to fill that need…just don’t work.

—Greg Gutfeld, The Bible of Unspeakable Truths

Categories: Quotes Tags:

Boys Hit Harder By Mom-only Homes

March 22nd, 2013 No comments

In the WSJ, James Taranto has an incisive analysis of a new study (done by a moderate-to-left-leaning think tank and published in that bastion of conservatism—the NY Times) which shows that when a home is run by a single mom, boys suffer more—educationally and economically—than girls. Taranto makes a number of salient points, but what caught my attention was this thought experiment:

But of course it isn’t. To illuminate why, try a thought experiment: Think about the family as a “business” partnership whose “product” is the next generation.

One reason a business has hierarchies of authority and responsibility is to make the best use of the time of the most vital employees. The CEO may type faster or more accurately than his secretary, but he still delegates the typing because it isn’t the highest use of his time. By contrast, the lone entrepreneur may of necessity do his own clerical work, but at some point he won’t be able to expand further without hiring support staff.

Think of the single mother as the lone entrepreneur. Of necessity she takes on every responsibility of the household: bearing and nurturing the children, providing food, maintaining the physical plant—and, by the way, working outside the home in order to raise operating funds.

Now think of the traditional 1950s household with an employed father and a stay-at-home mother. The mother is able to devote her full efforts to the children and the home. The father may have some secondary household duties—taking out the trash and playing ball with Junior—but most of his time is spent away from home, doing a boss’s bidding, in order to raise money to meet the family’s needs.

Let’s stipulate that in the latter scenario, the mother could do the father’s job just as well as he can. Would that be the highest use of her time? Only if one thinks that office work is intrinsically superior to the development of the next generation. [Emphasis mine.]

I, for one, believe the latter is far more important, and deserves the full attention of a parent.

Non-daily Digest

March 20th, 2013 No comments
Categories: Uncategorized Tags:

Non-daily Digest

March 14th, 2013 No comments

Thomas Sowell: Intellectuals and Race

A long but very worthwhile read.

Walter E. Williams Educational Rot

Fox (local) Marine with concealed carry permit stops man from beating woman
The Left would rather have allowed the beating to go on until police arrived…eventually.

Chicago Tribune Prosecutor: Man killed because of the way he wore his hat
Liberals will blame the gun…ignoring the fact that this perp is a repeat offender who should never have been released from jail.

WSJ The Ethanol Gas-Pump Surcharge: A 2007 mandate is needlessly raising U.S. gasoline prices.
And increasing the cost of corn, beef,…

Michelle Malkin Obamacare regs: The paper skyscraper
Are tens of thousands of new regs needed to improve healthcare? It’s impossible to know if you’re in compliance when the law is hopelessly complex.

Categories: Uncategorized Tags: